Elisa is my name, call me SaSa yo!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My apologise for not updating this space of mine. :(

Valentine Day, who i spend with? Not my J , is with the whole lot of them on the dragon boat that actually gave me so many injuries! Furthermore, we had great fun as a class! The bonding within the class, indeed works! It made teamwork between us, everyone should give a try to dragon boat no joke, it's really fun! :D

Saw the first photo below? It was my V'day present from dearest J. Putting in his heart in to actually paint the "
" box into golden color, folding the 77 straws hearts. and comes together with his horrible handwriting letters.

My Valentine Breakfast for J :)

" It actually a miracle that we could actually be "together" , my first impression for him was actually a gangster, the first time i saw him the words that came out from his mouth is utterly rude which made me hate him! And the hell thing i saw him in the same class as i, my first reaction
"WTF! AHBENG IN THE HOUSE!" But slowly when we start chatting, i found a very deep dimple on his right cheek. :) I could hardly how we start texting, maybe i should thanks Keith. The four never unforgettable sentence that bring us right here right now, i'm so glad that it goes this way.. Remembering that particular day when Wee told him some things that actually bother him a lot, it was an aching one but in another hand it's a grateful one. And what actually made me looking forward to school nobody else but J, never failed to fetch me from my place every morning, send me home after school ended. Breakfast with me on Saturdays. J , 26days left.. :'D "

Nonsense in class!! (Y)

Dragon Boat @ Bedok Reservoir !

Time check! What's the time now? >>>6:38 PM