Elisa is my name, call me SaSa yo!

Friday, February 25, 2011


可是爱 让我们变成陌生人

Yesterday went to mac to study D&T, back home when the sky turns dark.
Last paper today, and finally ended. Reported sick.
Eat medicine and going to take a nap. Heading to work later on.

What's that feeling after so long?
It's no longer any feeling..
Great. (Y)

Time check! What's the time now? >>>11:03 AM

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Alert !!
People, it's an exam period.
Have you guys been having self-study at home? I'm not. HAHA. Home doing nothing.. Oh well, that little boy was having a great great stress with him two days back. The first time i saw a guy crying because of stress, i was super angry! What made him stress was actually his studies! The moment i heard why he was stress, i feel like tearing up his homeworks but can't. Nothing that i can help him, the only thing which could help him is to talk to him, keep him company and try to teach him what we know. That's all. Tsktsk. :(
Exam is ending soon, holidays is coming ! Gonna plan a good holiday for myself and BBs ! USS! USS trip was mention since last year, last week and it's yet to be a successful attempt.

Well well well, 16March2011. Girls and their love please make yourself free on that day. *But like that, i seems to be so extra lah ! ;(( HAHA !
And 15march2011, going out with JaslinChongSiMin as a promise to celebrate belated one year anniversary with her.
Not to forget my dear classmates, plan an outing soon too !

And a sad thing is, right after holidays or should say now, we are alr preparing for our 'N' and 'O'level papers alr. So ya.. Every week schedule :
School - home - school - home - school - home - school - home - school - home - orchard - home - orchard - home - school !


Time check! What's the time now? >>>5:01 PM

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

love quote Pictures, Images and Photos

Was getting lazier to attend sch nowadays..
Well, firstly was because tons and tons of homework to do, with no choice N'level this year. Secondly, when slept too late tend to wake up late, when wake up late might as well don't go school if not also detention. If no detention this rule, it will still be easier. :D
Hang on, elisa! :) Count down, 3 days to Common Test 1 !


可是爱 让我们变成陌生人。。

Time check! What's the time now? >>>4:01 PM

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I've a lot to say..

Was supposed to go Jaslin's house to bainian, in the end somehow merry go round not going already. Never mind, spend half of my Sunday with the Angs ! Bought Valentine presents and had a great time talking craps. Well,

Happy New Year!

He's my boy!!!!!!!!!!! <3>

And also those overdue photos. :))

Time check! What's the time now? >>>6:48 PM

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Black journal, journal 20..is the last journal..

I'm speechless..

Time check! What's the time now? >>>1:02 PM